The Bujold Nexus

Cover Art from various books

Note that all book covers are copyright their publishers and the artwork is copyright of the artist.

All of the cover art available can now be seen at The Bujold Overflow Site as part of The Bujold Cover Archive. The only material now held at The Bujold Nexus refers to the various different covers published on the Baen website prior to final publication. Lois tells some background cover stories which include the Komarr covers, but the covers for A Civil Campaign have to speak for themselves.

In addition some of the covers for The Five Gods Universe including the pre-production ones of The Curse of Chalion, Paladin of Souls and The Hallowed Hunt have been collected here.

The information previously held in this section has been expanded into a list of Cover Artists, which attempts to list all the professional illustrators of Lois' work. It includes links to scanned images where available.

© 1999-2004 by Michael Bernardi

Webpage design by Michael Bernardi,

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Last updated: November 7th 2004